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Max-Raphael Feibel
April 13, 2023
October 21, 2024


Start into the year 2023

At the beginning of the year, we were pleased to celebrate two internal highlights: January marked the start of a new financial year as well as the first anniversary of our newly founded GmbH and Katrin Kratz joining the management team. 

In addition, Siori Körner joined our team in the first quarter of this year. She is primarily concerned with data and analytics and, among other things, takes care of reporting and the evaluation of website and advertising data, thus creating a high-quality database for the optimization of our campaigns and projects. 

BASF Culture 

The start of the year also saw the launch of some exciting projects for us, such as our collaboration with BASF Kultur. As part of the concert program, the DAX-listed company brings internationally renowned and promising artists from the classical, jazz and pop scenes to its stages in Ludwigshafen. In this way, they make a considerable contribution to the promotion of art and culture and also make a major contribution to the sustainable, attractive development of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. 

We support BASF Kultur in the development and creation of content for its social media channels on the basis of a strategically aligned social organic and paid strategy including editorial planning, thus helping it to achieve an optimal digital presence. We are also responsible for social and Google ads to promote individual concerts and event series.


Another new project also started for us at the beginning of the year: KüchenUpgrade® provides services to upgrade kitchens with high-quality worktops made of natural stone, ceramic and quartz stone. The existing kitchen is not only given a new look, but also improved functionality and thus a second life. In this way, the desire for modern living can be combined with the sustainable use of resources. KüchenUpgrade® is backed by one of the largest German B2B manufacturers in this sector.

In the course of our collaboration, KüchenUpgrade® makes use of our full and holistic range of digital communication services: after developing a digital D2C strategy, we redesigned and implemented the company website. For the subsequent task of generating leads and drawing the attention of relevant target groups to the KüchenUpgrade® service, we use tailored advertising campaigns within the social platforms of Meta and Pinterest as well as within the search engines of Google and Microsoft. We continue to ensure the ongoing support and optimization of the entire funnel.

Outlook Q2 

As exciting as the start of the year was, we are now looking forward to the second quarter, which has already begun, just as much. It starts with a major milestone: we are celebrating the fifth anniversary of the Partner & Söhne brand and are delighted with everyone who has accompanied us on our journey so far. 

In May, we will then attend the OMR trade fair in Hamburg together, where we can look forward to many exciting presentations, interesting acquaintances and familiar faces! 

And to stay on the subject of Hamburg: With the forthcoming relocation of our managing director and partner Maximilian Hohenstatt, we are now also represented in northern Germany and available for projects and partnerships on site in Hamburg. 

Written by Max-Raphael Feibel

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